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Did you know: 74% of non-purchasing visitors were influenced by Agriconomie and 85% of buyers were exposed to an online promotional message?*
*sources: PREMIUM BAROMETER JUNE 2023 Conducted among 1,473 farmers


Whatever the size of your brand, the Agrico Store will give an immersive space, dedicated to present your story, your mission and your product to audiences. Hosted on AgricoHub, your landing page will become an extension of your product page, enabling you to communicate on more relevant content.

Direct marketing

With its European e-procurement offer as well as the breadth of its ranges and its audience, Agrico Ads provides a tailor-made segmentation of connected and active farmers.
The objective : rent less, rent better and reach the best ROI on the market.

Direct marketing

With its European e-procurement offer as well as the breadth of its ranges and its audience, Agrico Ads provides a tailor-made segmentation of connected and active farmers.
The objective : rent less, rent better and reach the best ROI on the market.

Direct marketing

With its European e-procurement offer as well as the breadth of its ranges and its audience, Agrico Ads provides a tailor-made segmentation of connected and active farmers.
The objective : rent less, rent better and reach the best ROI on the market.


Agriconomie newsletter Sponsorship



Agrico product push area



Slider : Push premium area


Agrico Tuto

Influence by farmers for farmers

Let recognized influencers talk
about your products and increase your notoriety with the unboxing.

Contact us